Another short interesting drive, this time to Antisrabe over the mountains.
We got to 1600 m and only 12 degrees. Changed to seeing a new tribe called Mérino.
Zo also explained some politics and how the Koranas are Indians who came across and took alot of the management jobs in Madagascar which means that the country in réality is getting poorer while alot of other countries including China are taking alot from.the country.
We then visited some trades people in Antisrabe to see amazing wood work by a young lady from a tribe with black eyes due to charcoal use,
Fantastic marquetry from an old man who made his own machine and sawblade out of recycled parts,
Zebu horns being crafted,
batique work with wax,
Gorgeous needlework which Helen enjoyed buying à lovely runner
and a man making model bicycles for the last 33 years again out of recycled parts.
Again so inventive. Not to forget a friend of zo who played the traditional instrument for us, even playing Abba!
Settled into a lovely lodge with a fantastic garden with lots of flowers but neither David or I felt like eating today. Let’s hope tomorrow is better