15 June: Arrival in Tana at Chalet des Roses
15 June: Arrival in Tana at Chalet des Roses

15 June: Arrival in Tana at Chalet des Roses

So, after a loooong time travelling (about 32 hours) we have finally arrived in Tana. Exhausted, but happy. We’ve done the essentials: bought a sim card, withdrawn some cash, made contact with our driver, found our hotel, paid the balance of our holiday, eaten a zebu steak and sampled the local beer (THB – it’s really rather good).

We have an early start tomorrow (ignoring the fact we’ve only slept two or three hours in the last 36), so it’s off to bed now. See you tomorrow!

Our driver is called Zo and we love him already! He is so excited to show us his country. The last flight came in stopping briefly in Mauritius and was weird as most people got off from Istanbul there so the few of us left could spread out. I went to the window and enjoyed some lovely views of Tana as we arrived. Then the drive from the airport we went through rice fields with Zebu cattle, great egrets and lots of people working in the fields thougn the rice season was over. Must get up now!

Our first meal in Mada at chalet des roses


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