Breakfast at 7.30 with a lovely view over the indian ocean.

So we set off for a 10 minute walk with our guides to the mangroves where they took us on a 40 minute dugout canoe trip through the mangroves.

Beautiful reflections and lots of crabs to watch.

We arrived at the port to meet our tuctuc drivers

They took us on a 20 minute drive to the crossing for isle aux nattes where we then took another pirogue to the island.

We wandered down the coast in beautiful coves and found a spot to swim in the indian ocean

And then set off for the restaurant over the bay. Unfortunately it was too busy so we carried on and decided to walk back up the centre of the island. This was an unfortunate decision as the path was difficult and Helen slipped off the side and twisted her ankle. We then spent 2 hours walking back gently but she did well and we made it back in time for the return. And a lovely crab speciality.