A Castle …
A Castle …

A Castle …

After a quick change of plans, when our parking plans went pear shaped again, we set off for the Muiderslot castle, a very pretty rather fairy tale medieval castle. The security guard was an artist who had worked there for many years and who knew all the stories so we had some lovely inside information about the paintings and life of the family as well as the two media tours. Very interesting history and beautifully renovated and refurnished.

A very early wood burner from the 1600’s.
The person in the picture on the left was the owner of the castle (possibly in 1500’s) and on the right an illegitimate son who became a very important person in Amsterdam.
PC Hooft and family, poet and philosopher who became sheriff of Muider in 1609 ( his father was mayor of Amsterdam,) so lived in the castle and renovated it.
Benach with back that changed directions.
Painting of a famous play with  kissing competitions between women so the person on right was a male shepherd who had dressed up as a woman to win the  competition….
Shepherds featured in Hooft’s paintings alot.
Wooden seat with back which keeps out the draft!
Yoke for children to carry water.
Famous Dutch legend about changing your appearance.
Swing bridge opening for a yacht.

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