Up early for breakfast in the hotel and a quick explore in the light

7.30 start for a visit to the local national park called Analamazaotra where we had a lovely lady guide called Dominique to show us around.
We saw two new types of lemur, Indri indri

and diademed sifaka

as well as some more brown lemurs and some local plants including one she called the toilet paper plant! We also saw a lovely red bird called bird of paradise fly catcher.

Back in time for lunch at the hotel and off again at 1.30 for another visit to a private reserve Vakona where we saw three types of lemur on an island, two new ones: Bamboo which were very cute

and 1 red ruffed and lots of black and white ruffed,

and a family of 5 diademed sifakas again from this morning.

We then saw crocodiles all lying around hibernating

and a few ducks and geckos. And back again for a vanilla rum before dinner. David is finally feeling better!