With plans to pick up Christy in Heathrow on Monday 8 th august we arranged to stay in Whittlseford for a few days which also allowed me to visit the dentist. We enjoyed a lovely few days relaxing and getting to know new friends, Catherine and Kris, Max and Oli
And so we set off to meet christy via Tim and Anne in Uxbridge who provided us with à lovely meal. Also time for a quick walk round Little Britain lake where we saw and heard lots of baby coots and walked round the London loop, enjoying the barges on the river.
And so to the carefully planned meeting timed to the minute as christy and josh arrived by shuttle to the long stay parking just as we arrived.
So back to Sheffield fir a few days including a trip to watch outdoor theatre. The pantaloons were playing “The war of the worlds” in the botanical gardens. An excellent family time and very funny. Front row seats and a lovely picnic on a very hot day.
We even had time to order me a new phone which arrived to be picked up at matts on our way back to Wimbledon on Saturday 13 th to take Christy and Josh to their new temporary lodgings on Victoria Street
And then on to Sutton where mum and dad were tortoise sitting!
And even a quick visit to Lizzie up the road to say goodbye to her house.